It's the 2nd of August and it's bestie's birthday!!!
love you deeeep deeep as deeeeep as the blueblue ocean! LOL
Had a mini bday celebration with her close ones and it was pretty fun! Bestie's gf did well in taking care of all logistics and of everyone I hafta say and very thoughtful in booking a hotel with a good view of the ndp preview! Thumbs up deejee: )
Everyone brought their fair share of food and drinks and we even had red eggs! It's a Cham family tradition to have red eggs on their bday! Had fun catching up with June and Vincent, people whom I last saw during their JC days which was like..... in year 2001? 2002? Oh man.... and now's 2014!!?? Gosh!! Boy does time fly.....
Today Hui turns 30... and So will I in 2 months!
Time to change nric and No more telling people I'm 20 something! I'm gonna be...... 30!
Haha. Let's see if I'll be this OK and cool about it when I'm just a day away from 30. Lol.
Alright, pics and video will be up soon and other blogs too! Been toooooo busy baking I can't loft a finger to blog. Just tooooo tired.
Which Yea,I'm very tired now But all Thanks to the instant noodles I just walloped, here I am blogging at 1am to digest my food..... =/
Goodnighty all.